Continuing Projects

  1. Present Monthly Yard Awards
    Award monthly throughout the year to Hickory Hill neighborhood residents.
    Monthly announcement made at meetings.
    Co-Chairman –
  2. Make Wreaths for front entrance
    A. Decorate a Christmas wreath
    Committee – Debbie Sottile / Mike Dixon
  3. Conduct at least 6 programs (workshops, lectures) on horticulture, environment, butterflies, landscaping and/or flower arranging
    Chairman –
  4. A special item of choice is purchased by the Hostess of the month. This item is then raffled off at the end of the meeting. The processes are used in general account.
    Chairman –
  5. Sponsor an Easter Egg Hunt for children
    A. Members provide eggs and candy
    B. Members hide eggs
    C. A plant will be provided by the club for each child that participates
    D. Garden oriented prizes will be awarded
    Chairman –
  6. Sponsor a Christmas Awards contest for neighborhood outdoor decorations. Select a sister Garden Club to judge Christmas decorations for Hickory Hill community.
    Chairman –
  7. Sponsor Halloween Costume Contest for the neighborhood
    A. Prizes will be given for preselected categories
    Chairman – Nancy Humphrey / Amy Dixon
  8. Playground maintenance
    A. Picnic Tables
    B. Swings
    Chairman – Alice Daniels
  9. Health Circle Park Beautification & Renovation
    A. Trimming of Trees
    B. Removal of Shrubs
    C. Pine Straw
    Chairman – Debbie Sottile
  10. Front entrance maintenance
    A. Additional plantings
    Chairman – Mike Dixon

Ongoing Projects

  1. Encourage visitors to attend meetings to increase membership
    • Club members will invite a neighbor to attend, suggesting that they pick them up for each meeting.
    • A sign will be placed at the neighborhood entrance to let all visitors know they are welcome to attend meetings.
      Chairman – All members
  2. Recycle
    • Display a reminder sign the day before recycling is picked up.
      Chairman – Pat Johnson