Easter Egg Hunt – 2022

Easter Bunny waiting on the Hickory Hill kids!
Colorful Easter Eggs
Treat Samples for upcoming End of School Celebration in June
Golden Egg Prizes
Easter Bunny Lessons

Halloween Parade Awards – 2021

Halloween Mascot – Scoopy Do

0 – 3 Year Old’s

  • Nora S.
  • Oliver M.
  • Halston L.

4 – 6 Year Old’s

Spooky grave
  • Maggie H.
  • Annalisa L.
  • Lewis C.

7 – 9 Year Old’s

  • John M.
  • Izzy K. and Jaemma M.
  • John Hampton
Almost ready

10 – 14 Year Old’s

  • Shelby M. and Amanda R.
  • Christopher T.
  • Chesney M., Hadley J., and Holli R.
Scooby Dos