Month / Year

Yard of the Month

Most Improved

May 2022

2199 Hunter Creek / The Brewer Family

2179 Hunter Creek / The Lilly Family

April 2022

2975 Foxhall Road / The Fisher Family

Always have nice flowers

March 2022

2211 Dawn Hill Dr. / The Schwartz Family

Beautiful clean looking trees in front yard

2231 Hunter Creek / The Benko Family

New large above ground block flower bed with blooming flowers

February 2022

2207 Hunter Creek / The Silvers Family

January 2022

2988 Doncaster /The Bannon Family

1991 Hepplewhite / The Hunter Family

December 20212954 Innisbrook / The Remington Family
November 20212991 Hunter Creek / The Wozniak Family2178 Hunter Creek / The Wilson Family
October 2021 2951 Doncaster / The Hickman Family
September 20212170 Hunter Creek / The Hunter Family
August 20212235 Dawn Hill /The Holtz Family
July 20212043 Bayhill Drive/ The Longo Family
June 20212046 Bayhill Drive / The Daniel Family